Holee Frikkin Crap!!!
Okay... So this guy is MY HERO!!! Keith Olbermann is the ONLY reporter I have seen to date willing to call out the President and his bullshit cabinet from hell. Make sure to watch the "A special comment about lying" piece, it's fucking scarey that Bush is our President!
Special thanks to Nipsy and Eric Francis for the heads up!
Special thanks to Nipsy and Eric Francis for the heads up!
Keith Olbermann is irriatating, condescending, and superficial. Ugh.
You must be a Bill O'Reilly fan.
Is Bug on crack or just in the first phase of the right wing lean?
I admit, it can be hard to listen to such scathing and naked truths, especially whre they're so scary. And if you're not so inclined, you might think and hope he CAN'T be right. Hell, I wish he was wrong too. It just shows what an uphill battle we have to get our government and contitution back on track. The sooner people start coming around to reality, the easier it will be. If we wait until it's a police state to say, "hey, wait a minute," who knows how long it will take to get it back. (But Superficial? That I don't get.)
Tonight a special comment about your "scathing and naked truths": no one is ever right. Vote democrat, vote republican, vote crack whore (thanks, Riley). You're only voting for a myth you're favorite storyteller has created for you, not for what you'll actually get. Good thing you have the republicans to hate and blame, otherwise you might have to be afraid of actual bad guys. Thanks also to Catnip, for calling me naive and out of touch with reality. You will now be charged rent because of that little dig. I stand by my statement, that dude is freaking annoying. Good thing we have a link to his site now, so we never have to hear about him again on this blog.
your I mean
Rev Jr.,
Who are the "actual bad guys" if they aren't the repubs? Also, some people have to be right some of the time lest you delve in to the epistemological nonsense questioning of reality.
The bad guys, dear Riley, fly planes into buildings.
And/or have themselves frozen so that when the technology is ready, they can once again walk the earth, united with the aliens and reunited with the wooly mammoths. Watch out!
Being annoying doesn't make him wrong. And who said anything about hating republicans? Total distrust of an ADMINISTRATION is a completely different issue. There are way too many assumptions being made. THAT's the point across the board.
As a final note, I watched this guy last night on TV. He made a "funny" comment about Bush now lying for free at campaign rallies. I can't take anything Olbermann says seriously, when his passions are so heated that he can't dispense with the insults long enough to make an intellegent point. And Nip, neither does being annoying make him right.
I am hereby ignoring all politically-themed posts. Unless you're campaigning for Ted Williams for President, don't mind my absence.
Boyo! Looks like I really started some shit here...
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