Upon learning from Grampie that Belle had refused any dinner the following ensued...
Ego - "Belle... Don't you want some dinner?"
Belle - "I'm not hungry! Plus I don't like any of the food that's here!"
Ego - "You don't like the yummy chicken divan that Auntie made?"
Belle - "No... It's yucky!"
Ego - "Did you ever try it?"
Belle - "Yes, and it's yucky!"
Ego - "Okay... Would you like a glass of water?"
Belle - "Yes please."
Ego then goes into the kitchen to fetch the water and to heat up some divan for himself. A short while later Ego calls Belle into the kitchen.
Ego - "Belle! Come into the kitchen for a second..."
Belle - "Yes?"
Ego - " Here's your water, why don't you come sit with me while I have my dinner?"
Belle - "That smells yummy! I'm sorry... could I have some?"
Ego - "That's why I brought this extra fork!"
The two then sat and enjoyed Aunties yummy divan with wreckless abandon! They then watched a movie and upon the movies completion Belle was tucked in to bed happy as a clam!
If you actually come up with a solution, let me in on it--especially the binge/purge cycle. Every fucking day. Ass-cat.
I would like to note that, in truth, the vacuuming requirement could easily be twice daily.
New post please. Carrying the whole blogging world on my shoulders is exhausting, as I've said before.
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