Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Norah Jones...

"Loves" my hair cut and thinks it looks "AMAZING"! Thanks Nipsy! I would not be able to face the stars were it not for your awesome scissory!!!

On another note... I believe that the aliens Bug speaks of have finally infiltrated NYC. Today I witnessed about 20 unmarked white vans, suvs and an RV, all with flashing lights and sirens, speeding past my house to some (obviously) very important encounter with someone... Or something. I'm currently fashioning my aluminum foil helmet!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

time to move to Colorado

11:48 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

Turn off that damn video. Once was pleanty, thank you.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Bug said...


10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, she's not the only one who likes it! Does that mean YOU finally like your hair?!

11:24 AM  
Blogger Bug said...

OK, LOOK. I took down my v words at your request. I am henceforth going to boycott your blog until you turn off the damn tv already. That guy is pissing me off!!!! And also, send on a pic of your haircut. Good day.

2:04 AM  

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

No George... Fuck YOU!!!

First I'd like to thank Riley for letting me steal this awesome pict off of his blog. Then I would also like to thank Causal for the outstanding bit of information that follows. I urge you ALL to take the initiative to help stop the monkey business in the White House! Thank you.

From Causal -

Impeach Bush yourself! No Joke.
This is much more than just a petition.

There's a little known and rarely used clause of the "Jefferson Manual" in the rules for the House of Representatives which sets forth the various ways in which a president can be impeached. Only the House Judiciary Committee puts together the Articles of Impeachment, but before that happens, someone has to initiate the process.

That's where we come in. In addition to the State-by-State method, one of the ways to get impeachment going is for individual citizens like you and me to submit a memorial., part of the movement to impeach the president, has created a new memorial based on one which was successful in impeaching a federal official in the past. You can find it on their website as a PDF.


You can initiate the impeachment process yourself by downloading the memorial, filling in the relevant information in the blanks (your name, state, etc.), and sending it in.

More information on the precedent for submitting an impeachment
memorial, and the House Rules on this procedure, can also be found at
the above address.

If you have any doubts that Bush has committed crimes warranting
impeachment, read this page:

If you're concerned that impeachment might not be the best strategy
at this point, read the bottom of this page:

"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."
Bush, June 18, 2002

"War is Peace."
Big Brother in George Orwell's 1984


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a completely altered photo and my President would never do that. I love George Bush.

2:44 PM  
Blogger Altered Egoist said...

"I love George Bush"??? And that is why you have to remain anonymous!

12:42 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

Once, George Bush came to Colorado Springs. If you were there, you could have made profane gestures in his general direction. New post please.

11:23 AM  

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Snug as a Bug...

Yeah I used to feel safe too. That before I had to smell the stench of the aftermath of 9-11 for 2 weeks. That was before I saw the countless airings of how America was so devastatingly attacked with surgical precision. That was before I had a chance to walk around the wreckage of ground zero on 9-13 with my cop friend who had lost 10 of his precinct buddies in the event. My friend who had he not missed his train from Long Island into NYC by a few minutes may have shared his buddies fate. That was before I really started understanding how much other countries REALLY HATE the United States. Before I knew that a nuclear device the size of a thermos could level a 30 block radius and turn a 30 mile radius into a radioactive toxic zone. That was before I realized that my governmaent failed me. Not only had they failed me but may have had the knowledge to prevent this event and not taken action. Perhaps worse yet... May have not only provoked it but unwittingly helped to finance and execute it. So please forgive me if I dont share the same enthusiatic fear of wolly mammoths and Ted Williams but I FEAR that I have far more sinister evils to contemplate.

The love of my life walks past the mass grave that is ground zero, still just a gaping wound of a hole in the ground with none of the promised memorials, she walks past there 10 TIMES A WEEK to and from work. Everyday a non-eventful walk. But everytime it's the anniversary of 9-11 and the Weaze want's to show up, say a few uninspiring words and Nips has to be in the same "hood" I sit there ALL DAY shaking, sweating and praying... Please don't let anything stupid happen today! Because you just don't know.

Why don't we know? Because we're not paying attention! Because we don't recognize the signs. Because we believe that nothing bad could ever happen to us. Believe me, this could happen anywhere, anytime. All I'm trying to do is educate myself and those I love so we can better understand why this happened, how this happened and how we can prevent it from ever happening again.

George W. Bush may be an idiot puppet being used as a pawn by other evil men but I truely believe he is aware of his actions and their consequences and should be held accountable.

p.s. Yes i would love to and am trying to move myself and Nipsy out of such a high risk target zone but that is not the solution. Not to say we WON'T move because surely our hearts lead us elsewhere but inaction, ignorance, hiding ones head in the sand from the truth is what I feel brought on 9-11, the bogus war in Iraq, the poor economy, the unemployment ratio, the high cost of gas, rent, insurance, food, medication, rolling blackouts in CA, the (not mentioned so much anymore) AIDS epidemic, lowered education standards, higher drop out rate... And the beat goes on!!!


Blogger Bug said...

OK, look. Shit is going down in the world. Less progressive, less wealthy, and less free countries hate us for our values, our money, and our unapologetic use of the resources to further frivolous desires. But the fact is, Ted Williams will spawn a zombie race which will unite with the thawed wooly mammoths to battle the aliens for control of the earth. It will be like Shawn of the Dead, but with mammoths and greys. And pretty soon, militant Islamists, rising superpowers, and nuclear weapons will seem like the good old days.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that supposed to calm the fears? I suppose not, but, seriously, there are real issues here, aliens or not. Things that are going to matter sooner rather than later. Might as well get whatever info you can and evaluate it as well as you can as soon as possible.

12:10 AM  
Blogger Altered Egoist said...

Thank you, my love, for a comment that actually has something to do with reality!

11:32 AM  
Blogger Bug said...

Yeah, alternate reality! I wish the aliens couldn't hear you, but I have a suspicion you aren't wearing your hat.

7:46 PM  

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Friday, September 15, 2006

Suddenly Compassionate!

Pardon me... But I think this is absolutely BULLSHIT!!!

The NY Post says - "The 190 Taliban terroristists, here in the crosshairs of an unmanned U.S. drone over Afganistan, dodged death beacuse they were gathered for a funeral - and American rules of engagement bar attacks on cemeteries."

Well, if these are truely the super bad guys, the "evil doers" that are we vowed to hunt down and kill, the same ones who have no respect for human life or rules of engagement why is it that we're suddenly playing by the rules. Whatever happened to the good old C.I.A. who whould covertly sneak into countries and subversively take out the bad guys? Could it be the Bush administrations deep ties and support of the mujahedeen in Afghanistan? I grow weary of excuses, lies and cover-ups as to why we can't get these terrorists. Remember Mr. Bush, you yourself said the Iraq had "Nothing to do with the events on 9-11." So why have they become your priority? It seems that once again you've gone Harry Houdini on us with all the smoke and mirrors trying to distract us from the real issues.

IMPEACH GEORGE W. BUSH before WWIII begins in our own backyard!!!


Blogger Bug said...

How many freakin times do I have to tell you? WWIII is nothing compared to the final battle ffor the existence of humanity? The aliens are here. The wooly mammoths are coming. And Ted Williams? Well, that's the scary part: we don't know where he is.

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A founder of sects , much trouble for the accuser:
A beast in the theater prepares the scene and plot.
The author ennobled by acts of older times;
the world is confused by schismatic sects.
-Nostrdamus, Century I, Quatrain 45

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, it doesn't make any sense that the current administration is trying to dismantle the Geneva conventions, yet won't fire at a supposed funeral of its worst enemies. Give me a break.

P.S. Why all the anonymity?

11:38 PM  
Blogger Altered Egoist said...

Uh oh... Ya see? We got Nipsy all riled up now!!!

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Geneva Convention was created by civilized countries for war Uniformed Prisioners who were also members of the convention. These religious fanatics are not! Do you think they respect the GC for our prisioners????

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hipocracy is the issue. And terrorism is truly defined by the one/s being terrorized. Was the GC only relevant once? Was our constitution only relevant in 1776? Can you pick and choose when to apply your morality? And if you do, is that, then "moral?"

12:16 AM  

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Do you know who Randy Glass is?

I know that some of you think I just sit here spinning all kinds of wild conspiracy theories, making our President out to be some evil succubus of Satan determined on destroying all that is good. Though I may actually believe that, I would never ask you to. I only ask that you believe the truth and not the "truthiness" (thank you Stephen) of the Bush administration.

Those of you who may have heard of Randy Glass (no he's not the singer of "Short People" that's Randy Newman) already have a keen insight into the incredible level of corruption that lies within our government. I have learned alot about the scarey truth of the events leading to 9-11 and the dispicable cover up that followed the event in an incredibly poignant film called "9-11 Press for the Truth". Bug and Riley your copies are on the way and next time I see lil Sis and Muddah they get one too. Anyway, this film is not a discussion of theories but rather a cold hard look at the TRUE ineptitude of our government and some scarey FACTS that could lead one to believe some of the crazy conspiracy theories out there.

I realize that some may prefer not to think about these things and feel perfectly safe in their suburban homes. The thing of it is, this Presidents actions affects ALL Americans and our allies as well. The UnHoly Trinity of Bush, Dick and Cuntaleeza (Forgive me I just HAD to) could may well bring the destruction of the United States as we know it. It most certainly has already begun.

Knowledge is power! PLEASE learn about these corrupt pieces of feces and help put a stop to madness that will condemn us all! The Bush Dynasty has been involved in dirty business for far too long.

IMPEACH GOERGE W. BUSH immediatly before he's able to get away with MURDER!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The year following discoveries out of a flood,
Two leaders elected, the first one will not hold:
For one of them refuge from fleeing a shadow,
Plundered [will be] the house which [the] first will maintain.
-Nostradamus, Century 9, Quatrain 4

8:40 PM  

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Monday, September 11, 2006

Happy 9-11!!!

Ummm... or should I say happy day that Bush got to declare war on the world?

"My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse," Romero said.

Romero is a former director of the Energetic Materials Research.

Seismic recordings, eyewitness testimony, and two videos of WTC 1 indicate an explosive detonation occurred at the base of the building fourteen seconds before its collapse.

So what did I-Raq have to do with the "attack" on the US that happened on 9-11? "Nothing!" According to George Bush.

I REALLY hope this sleazy little shit bathing worm does not reiceve the same easy out that Ken Lay did. Yes, I don't believe for one second he (Lay) is dead, if anything he scooted away on airforce-one so Georie Porgie could have him come up with another POTENIAL energy crisis, as to declare war on... Hmmm... Canada?

Anyway, don't believe everything you read but most certainly READ THIS!!!

Is Iraq responsible for the current gas prices or is the now "bankrupt" Enron???


Blogger The Man said...

dude, you're preaching to the choir here. The worst part is when I said something was fishy - many people labled me as an unamerican flag pooper. Now, the truth will come out. Ken Lay is playing golf in Mexico right now - does anyone care?

7:05 PM  
Blogger The Man said...

"No" was the answer to that - anyway, most people now are just looking to profit from this predetermined disaster. Also read the Wolfowitz doctrine.

7:09 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

Remeber that tin-foil hat I mentioned? It works really well for when Bush tries to use his evil mind tricks to make you forget about Ken Lay. For a small donation, I can fashion one for you and all your loved ones, so you can be safe in this new world of POTENTIAL conspiracies, undead oil magnates, and, naturally, aliens. It's also perfect for dinner parties.

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll trade you some sand, Bug, for a few of those nifty hats.

11:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Riley - where do you find this Wolfowitz thingy? And you're betting Mexico, eh? I was thinking some private Carribean island or something.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:53 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

Yes, IHBTBITYW, I agree. What we need is for people to realize what's really going on here: Aliens have taken over the middle East, and global warming is thawing out all the(cryogenically and otherwise) frozen monsters -- including both wooly mammoths AND Ted Williams -- and there will be a war to end all wars, at the end of which will be no more synthesis and the second coming will hail the end of history as we know it. And the worst part: deathbed repentance won't save you from the aliens, who will beat the monsters in the war by sucking their brains out through their tusks, which will only make them stronger. Bush is the least of all things you should be worrying about.

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All politics aside this is what I know. Theories about 9/11 do nothing but show how creative we as a country can be. Democrats and Republicans should make sure that what gets to the public a truly honest account of the events. The government and theorists always blow this for everyone, education is the key. Honesty is the key. Too bad those aren't things that are important anymore. Bug, I think you're great and very creative.

2:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come the millennium, month 12
In the home of greatest power
The village idiot will come forth
To be acclaimed the leader."
-Nostradamus, Quatrain 13, Century 6

8:44 PM  

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Not ALL bunnies are cute...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yuck! Spooky! Horrifying! I want cute bunnies! Now I'm going to go stick my head in the sand.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

Oh, my god. Nipsy, can I borrow some sand?

1:58 PM  

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sometimes life is good...

And sometimes it's ridiculously frikking AWESOME!!! Nipsy and I just returned from a great vaction up in Maine, where apparently we broke our curse of bringing rain with us where ever we go. Perhaps it's not that, maybe it's we bring antiusual weather to where ever we travel. For those who dont know the coast of Maine is renowned for it's fog, cold and wet weather. This was not the case. We had a beautiful, warm (days) bright sunny vacation. It rained on the way up an the way home. Oh and ONE evening just enough so I could capture a beautiful image of a double rainbow (photo coming soon)...

Anyway back to the REAL story.

We get home from this wonderful vacation and in my first day at home I discover that my computer, my business, my life appears to be in ITS final throes of death. I don't think I could've been more depressed as I'm trying to work through constant "fatal" crashes, freezes and neverending beachballs! I would click on something in my finder, not double click mind you, just touch it and I'd get the spinny wheel long enough to make coffee, take a shower and shave. Very sad!

The very next day a model comes to my house to pick up a cd of a shoot that we did, while sitting at the computer waitin (and hoping for) the completion of her cd I show her some of the web design stuff I'm currently working on. She loved it, hired me to do her site, paid me a HUGE cash deposit which has now magically transformed itself into a MacBook 2ghz 2GBram!!! Can I just say... HOLY CRAP this computer ROCKS! I'm doing like a thousand thigs at once, surfing the web, working in photoshop, downloading HUGE files, listening to streaming music on iTunes and I have not seen one beachball!!! There has been no freezing, crashing or anything of the ilk. I feel like I just won the academy award for most deserving of a great computer.

So I would like to thank Nipsy for her undying love and support, I'd like to thank Gizel for her money, I'd like to thank Steve Jobs for being the most awesomest computer dude ever, I'd like to thank my Mom for all her photo tips, Some other dude who wouldn't help me with Flash so I had to learn it on my own, Bug and Steel for always teasing me with their really cool computers and last but not least I would like to thank the determination that is permanently engraved into my soul for pushing me to do great things even on a crappy computer.

No need for applause, I'm imagining that the rain outside is the cheering audience!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I was a part of the excellent vacation and the happy day new computer story! Now, that awesome rainbow picture really does belong here! Get to it on your fancy-pants new computer! xo

11:34 AM  
Blogger Bug said...

Glad we could help. Anytime you need someone to give you some shit, we're here. xoxoxo

12:33 PM  

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