Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Ted Williams for President!!!

This is my new campaign as I truely believe that a cryogenically frozen dead man with his head detached from his body could do a much better job than the frikkin retarded puppet who now resides in this office.

Listen, my "little cupcakes", I don't want to start any wars or family feuds. More to the point, I'm trying to end illegal wars. I agree, the democrats are not MUCH better than the republicans. But I REALLY do believe that the rich, white, God preachers should not have control over our entire government.

It's starting to get Scarey. Bush has proven time and time again that he is an inept leader. He's comes from a wealthy Texan oil family and I truely think that his political motivation is to preserve that. He campaigns that the democrats will raise the taxes if put into office. That may be true, hopefully they'll do as promised and no longer give huge tax breaks wealthy oil companies and give the middle class tax relief. Some would argue that this will cause big business to move elsewhere for their production. In case anyone hasn't noticed, the outsourcing of jobs to foriegn contries has reached a critical level. I heard the other day that Harley Davidson will begin doing overseas production... HARLEY DAVIDSON! Holy crap! They are about as American as apple pie and baseball! So why is this happening when we've got the economy building republicans in office?

Apathy! We have gone from an industrial/technolical leader to a work less deserve more country. As "God" says, "Give and ye shall recieve"! Well basically, we are no longer giving, we are only taking. We no longer produce and yet we have a consumers sense of entitlement. Aside from iPods, which are also built in Asia, what other great technological advances have we made? We can cure a limp dick and baldness but we have no cure for cancer or AIDs. And why is that? There's no money in it. If they could make everyone well the big pharmacutical companies, who also get tax relief, would go out of business.

Again... I'm not saying that one party is extremely better than another, I just believe that we have to split the power between the two. Corruption runs deep in or Government regardless of party. Where ever there is money and power there will be corruption. The wealthy don't have a tendancy to share. I think it's time get back to what this country was built on. We have the freedom to do what we like and build better lives for ourselves, so why have we become so apathetic and allow others to choose for us? Questioning your government is one of our basic rights, invasion of privacy is not one of theirs.

This election is a wake up all for ALL AMERICANS to begin the process of putting the power back in the hands the people. Nothing will happen overnight but we NEED to start proving to the world that we are a great contry and deserving of their respect.

Thank you for reading!


Blogger Bug said...

Hey! That was a very deceptive post title! You made me read it with trickery! Have you considered running for office?

3:31 PM  
Blogger Altered Egoist said...

I would but... I actualy inhaled!

3:52 PM  

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Holee Frikkin Crap!!!

Okay... So this guy is MY HERO!!! Keith Olbermann is the ONLY reporter I have seen to date willing to call out the President and his bullshit cabinet from hell. Make sure to watch the "A special comment about lying" piece, it's fucking scarey that Bush is our President!

Special thanks to Nipsy and Eric Francis for the heads up!


Blogger Bug said...

Keith Olbermann is irriatating, condescending, and superficial. Ugh.

1:59 AM  
Blogger Altered Egoist said...

You must be a Bill O'Reilly fan.

12:00 PM  
Blogger The Man said...

Is Bug on crack or just in the first phase of the right wing lean?

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admit, it can be hard to listen to such scathing and naked truths, especially whre they're so scary. And if you're not so inclined, you might think and hope he CAN'T be right. Hell, I wish he was wrong too. It just shows what an uphill battle we have to get our government and contitution back on track. The sooner people start coming around to reality, the easier it will be. If we wait until it's a police state to say, "hey, wait a minute," who knows how long it will take to get it back. (But Superficial? That I don't get.)

11:36 AM  
Blogger Bug said...

Tonight a special comment about your "scathing and naked truths": no one is ever right. Vote democrat, vote republican, vote crack whore (thanks, Riley). You're only voting for a myth you're favorite storyteller has created for you, not for what you'll actually get. Good thing you have the republicans to hate and blame, otherwise you might have to be afraid of actual bad guys. Thanks also to Catnip, for calling me naive and out of touch with reality. You will now be charged rent because of that little dig. I stand by my statement, that dude is freaking annoying. Good thing we have a link to his site now, so we never have to hear about him again on this blog.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

your I mean

5:40 PM  
Blogger The Man said...

Rev Jr.,
Who are the "actual bad guys" if they aren't the repubs? Also, some people have to be right some of the time lest you delve in to the epistemological nonsense questioning of reality.

6:10 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

The bad guys, dear Riley, fly planes into buildings.

12:29 AM  
Blogger Bug said...

And/or have themselves frozen so that when the technology is ready, they can once again walk the earth, united with the aliens and reunited with the wooly mammoths. Watch out!

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being annoying doesn't make him wrong. And who said anything about hating republicans? Total distrust of an ADMINISTRATION is a completely different issue. There are way too many assumptions being made. THAT's the point across the board.

2:10 AM  
Blogger Bug said...

As a final note, I watched this guy last night on TV. He made a "funny" comment about Bush now lying for free at campaign rallies. I can't take anything Olbermann says seriously, when his passions are so heated that he can't dispense with the insults long enough to make an intellegent point. And Nip, neither does being annoying make him right.

I am hereby ignoring all politically-themed posts. Unless you're campaigning for Ted Williams for President, don't mind my absence.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Altered Egoist said...

Boyo! Looks like I really started some shit here...

1:47 PM  

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

Freedom Rings!!!

Today is a day of joyous celebration!


Blogger Bug said...


7:17 PM  
Blogger The Man said...

is that what republicants are calling onion rings now?

2:50 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

HOORAY! Happy Day!!!

1:33 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

HOORAY! Happy Day!!!

1:39 PM  
Blogger The Man said...

what? I still don't get it

8:32 PM  
Blogger Bug said...

That's because... oh wait, this isn't the right site for that. Anyway, HOORAY!!

11:23 AM  

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Monday, October 16, 2006


Man, who thinks up these things? Who is responsible for these most disturbing, twisted, vile, psychotic imagery and story lines that corrupt my peaceful sleep?

I’ll tell you who… Guiness and chili! A pairing so rancid and putrid causing seismic activity and noxious vapors only to be rivaled by Puck’s fancy compost dining. As the bruised purple and yellow clouds started to envelope the bed I knew I had to take my “ass” elsewhere lest Nipsy would surely be asphyxiated by dawn. Even that was of little help as this cloud of death fumes followed me from room to room, long after they where emitted, much like the beloved Pig Pen is followed by his dust cloud. I fear that I was not so beloved. I saw plants instantaneously wilt in my passing. The cats were frantically running for cover staying low to the ground. Nipsy had no such luxuries as she slumbered nose level next to ground zero. I could only thank all that is good when I woke to see her smiling face this morning and realized that she had survived the stenchacost. Thank-ee sai!

My deepest apologies to Nipsy for all of her sufferings. However… I have no such apologies for certain insects and 1/2 Mexicans whose general direction I purposely fart in!


Blogger Bug said...

It's truly amazing, but you do stink, even from half a continent away.

9:19 PM  
Blogger The Man said...

and how is this different from the rest of the time???

7:04 PM  

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Big Money Athlete Contracts...

I now understand. I get it!!! Of COURSE they need all this money...

How else could they afford to post immediate bail after being arrested for guns, shootings, rapes, murders and drug possession? God forbid these "superstars" should have to spend a night in jail. That might affect their performance in the game tomorrow. They also need the money to bribe witnesses and pay outrageous lawyer fees because SPORTS SUPERSTARS ARE ABOVE ANY LAW! They are not to be found in prison, they are supposed to play sports... Be our idols!

I've decided in going to be an athelete so I can have free reign to do as I please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bastards. But don't you love the good ones?

10:27 PM  

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Sunday, October 08, 2006


Fuckin Bronx Bummers!

Here's an idea for next year... Fire Joe Torre, get rid of A-Rod, Sheffield and Johnson and their bloated contracts. Get some hot young pitchers and play the team that got you to the playoffs IN the playoffs! Don't start tinkering at the end of the season with the team that brought you to first place. Who do they think they are? Larry Brown's Knicks? Oh and let Bernie finally retire. Maybe he could be the manager...

And what the HELL is this? New basketballs???

Oh yeah... everyone hates the ball

"It's like a volleyball, It feels smaller than the other ball." -- Avery Johnson.

"We're going to have to do it like baseball, change, like, every five plays. Once it gets wet, it's terrible." -- Chris Webber.

"You make moves in traffic and the ball gets stuck in parts of your hands and your wrist where normally it slides and you get it back the way you want it. Now, even if it's in your hand, it sticks and you can't get rid of it sometimes. It's a really difficult ball to play with." -- Steve Nash.


Blogger Bug said...

Well done! I couldn't have said it better myself. My hat is off to you, sir. Except that I'm not actaully wearing a hat. So, better, my head is uncovered in your general direction.

9:33 PM  

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Thursday, October 05, 2006

Reign Delay

Sure I've been disappointed with the way certain sporting events have been handled in the past but I have got to say that tonight's Yankees/Tigers "rain" delay really has to take the cake.

It's not as if the MLB is milking (as with every other sport) as much commercial time as possible with the playoffs but tonight's display was a disgrace! Who suffered? The fans... The people who paid good money for a non-refundable game and probably will not even get to see it tomorrow. The fans who were at home and subjected to the endless, mindless banter of those who were trying to fill an empty void where there should have been a game. Some of the lucky few were watching broadcast and at least got to see re-runs of old Star Trek shows. Regardless which station you were tuned to you soon learned the only ones who were winning anything tonight were the advertisers.

Personally, I think that if the game had begun at the time it was supposed to it could have been completed with only some mild moisture occuring. No rain, the REAL rain didn't start until 11:35 in the New York area. I was at the New York/Boston playoff game where it rained the entire game and that game reached it's end which was not a postponement, rather an unfortunate loss... Regardless, they played. Tonight they didn't. Rather they called a rain delay before there was any rain.

My next point... East Coast Play Off Games should BEGIN at 7:00 or 7:30 LATEST! What little west coast fans the Easterners have can better live with not seeing the begining of games more than can the east coast fans deal with not being able to see the END of games. Had this game started at 7 there would have never been an issue. However they decided to keep the fans at the stadium until 10pm, with hopeful promise of a game (that would've lasted until 2am) only to disappoint. Instead they will play tomorrow at 1pm when everyone is at work or in school. Some school kids will be able to possibly catch the end of the game but the nine to fivers are completely out of luck. It's time for some serious considerations to be made for who this game is REALLY for... The FANS!!!


Blogger Bug said...

While your topic is a disappointment to someone such as myself, I nonetheless commend your pun. Fine work!

10:41 AM  

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