Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Where to place the blame...

The advertisements say, “King Kong is what you go to the movies for…” Really? I would have to say that my King Kong experience brought about the utter demise of my movie attendance career.
It was the perfect night for a movie… The last night of the long holiday run, a quiet rainy night, the city was calm and peaceful. I propose to Catnip that we should perhaps go see Peter Jackson’s three-hour epic mega smash “King Kong” and the wheels were set in motion. We venture out into the streets wet from mild precipitation and joke how the streets are so empty because everyone’s at the movies. Knowing in our hearts that can’t be true, more likely everyone is at home sleeping off the long weekend, preparing for work… We arrive at the theater and there is a huge crowd standing outside and again we hope and believe that the crowd is only seeking a temporary shelter from the rain. This was not the case… The theater was packed! We decide to buy tickets for the showing an hour later, certainly we would not be able to find a seat so close to show time, and go for a beer at our favorite bar up the block. Thus began possibly the worst night of my theater going experience.
So who’s to blame for this?

The theater? After postponing our 3 hour tour (and dinner) by another hour we arrive at our theater, #25 approximately 12 miles up into the stratosphere, assured that we will be able to get great seats as a reward for our patience and promptness. Score! Our reward was the last two seats that remained together in an already packed house. 3rd row, far left were we would be able to view our movie with the same comfort as a tennis game attendee. Sitting between two couples who were discussing every topic possible throughout the film and in front of a family who’s (4yr old?) was unrelentingly shouting with glee “Pa Pa… King Kong, Pa Pa… King Kong!!!!” we were able to REALLY enjoy Peter Jackson’s subtleties and quiet moments of tension. There was not one moment complete silence during this showing. Is it the theaters responsibility to ensure that parents keep their children quite during a film? I personally think so… As well I believe that children that small shouldn’t be taken to see a PG-13 film in the first place. Did I mention the ticket price of $10.50???
Peter Jackson?

C’mon dude… $300 MILLION!!! I can’t even imagine that much money. That’s like a really nice neighborhood outside of Miami. I mean a WHOLE neighborhood! You spend this much money and this is what we get? I could’ve made a better movie for $10.50 on Macromedia Flash! You know it’s one thing to have elves, trolls and orcs performing fantastical, unbelievable and superhuman feats but you are really insulting your viewers intelligence if we are expected to believe this crap. Case and point… (This won’t ruin anything for anyone who still might want to see this movie, as there’s about 2 1/2 more hours of bulldonk after this point) When the Giant Ape meets the beautiful Ann Darrow on the sacrificial altar she is bound so tightly by ropes that she cannot escape. Kong grabs her and rips her off of this altar, shakes her around while screaming like an ape. Here’s the problem – If this movie had any sense of reality it would’ve ended here as Kong would’ve ripped both her hands off at the wrist, snapped her neck and quite literally would’ve scared the crap out of her. Two and a half more hours and ALL downhill from there.

Perhaps it’s the fact that we still go out and pay for this crap. We can only blame our lowered standards and ourselves for what we have to view. If we were to say that we weren’t going to stand for this crap any more maybe then Hollywood would try to figure out what’s going wrong. Unfortunately I think it’s going to become like the much maligned music industry where people would rather download one crappy song then buy the whole album. I don’t blame the musicians or the actors taking the easy way out. It’s a job, and this mediocrity is where society apparently finds satisfaction. Not for me… I’ll watch foreign films in the comfort of my own home and listen to music pre 2000.

One of these sits about six feet in front of me with full digital surround sound… Why should I ever want to go back to the theater?
- said...
I second that opinion. The experience was all that and worse. The self-centered gall that people have to bring an infant and a non-stop talking toddler to a PG-13 movie that doesn't end until 11:00PM is beyond me. And the movie theater owners - who do NOTHING about disruptive people in the audience - are worried that releasing a movie on DVD and in the theaters the same day will hurt their business....They better be.
- Bug said...
Blame Canada!
- Bug said...
It's just another option... You want to blame someone, right?
- Altered Egoist said...
I believe that most of the guilty parties were named in the article. I honestly think Canada is safe... This time. Actually i am more to blame then they are, I went to this movie!
- Bug said...
Don't be so hard on yourself, it got good reviews after all.
- said...
I enjoyed King Kong very much. I went on a Monday night and with only 10-15 other people in the audience, had my choice of seating. The chairs were comfy, the popcorn was hot and the floor wasn't sticky. I thought the CGI effects were outstanding. The inhabitants of the island were creepy. The blonde was hot! It was well worth the $7.50 I paid. Oh yeah, Jack Black was absolutely horrible. One of the all time worst performances ever.
Friday, January 27, 2006
8 days!
- Bug said...
Ok, just to clarify: Jason Statham (my boyfriend) was only posing with a cigarette to demonstrate that smoking is for suckers, and remind us all that we are non smokers! It was a public service announcement! Anyway. Congratulations AG, hell week is over, you're in the clear.
- Altered Egoist said...
I feel like hell week has just begun...
Jason's a sucker!
Does MF have any girlfriends? - Bug said...
His taste in girlfriends is so questionable, I just allow most of them... He is allowed to see Shakira, Claire Danes (?), Zooey Deschanel, Charlize Theron, and possibly a supermodel or two. I have expressly forbidden Angelina, but only because she is a husband-stealing whore-cunt and I can't condone what she did to sweet Jennifer, not because I'm threatened by her plump lips and ample bosom.
- said...
As far as cheating at Scrabble goes, I think AE just gets mad at me calling him on his dubious capitalization practices (see previous Crabby Catnip post). However, 8 days without smoke (assuming many more) is the best thing in a long time and buys a lot of leeway in Scrabble.
- Altered Egoist said...
I am a MASTER at Scrabble. Please don't get it twisted. I accept your Chess Challenge there VO! Don't worry about cussing, I mean just look at Bugs potty mouth!
- Altered Egoist said...
Oh yeah... Catnip has a travel Scrabble maybe she'll let me borrow when I go down there to see you!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
New Cat Trainer
Tried playing fair, giving them an opportunity to read the rules and start acting like good little kitties!
Did they show any signs of behavioural improvement?
Have they takin on any responsibilities?
Have they made any effort to appear interested in anything other than their own well being?
Sadly the answer to all of these questions is NO!
It is time for drastic measures, and this guy needs a job anyway... Meet the new cat trainer -

- Bug said...
Howard Dean... herding cats... can't... quite...seem...to put it all... together
Can't we ALL just get along?

BTW... Were still waiting on those donations over here!
Catnip is getting Crabby!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
- said...
To whom should I make out the check? And for the love of god, buy hillbug a new house. Hers is disgusting her, I can feel it. We have a psychic connection, she and I.
- Altered Egoist said...
No Checks! New rule... CASH ONLY!!! Forgot about the whole name thing with checks! Sorry! CASH ONLY!!!
- Bug said...
Hey, is it day six, or am I off? One week? I'll call you one-weekie weekerson! Or not. Stay strong.
- Altered Egoist said...
At this point I am one weekie strongieson! I'm killin it! Ask catnip! I get a little pissy but for the most of it... hey, I DON'T SMOKE! I mean at ALL... For the most of it I'm not too horrible to be around. F the Butts! Smoking is for suckers... Where's little Water Moccasin when ya need her? Love you ALL! Thanks for the support... Reall, I'm doing great! Thanks again!
- Regality said...
The Czech is in the male.
Stepping in puke part 2
- said...
Why do we put up with them? They ARE cute. But they are crazy too...and lazy. They must be extra cute. Yup, that's it.
- Altered Egoist said...
I think that they have somehow hypnotized us. There is NO creature THAT cute that their cuteness would blind us to these premeditated evils!
- Bug said...
AE, you may be right... you have both been led astray by the illusion that RATIONING those evildoers is a BAD thing. Catnip, have you forgotten everything I taught you?
Monday, January 23, 2006
i.e.; The Middle East, South America and Texas...
So basically... Madmen control the worlds supply of natural resourses. Isn't it time we seriously started looking for alternatives?
- Bug said...
I think we should start mining the noses of teenagers... oh wait, that's in crazy town too.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
It's never fun to step in puke!
Oh and ANOTHER new cat rule - CAT'S DON'T MAKE RULES!
- said...
Now, if only cats could read....
- Altered Egoist said...
They can they just refuse to... Lest they would have do something good.
- Altered Egoist said...
OK, so another new cat rule - No more pretending you can't read!
I know...
If you like poetry check here - Subtle Blind Noises
Photos and art-
Model Mayhem
Sorry for the old school links...
- Bug said...
title It's easy, see?
- Altered Egoist said...
Hey! I was getting to it...
- Bug said...
I have decided to plague you with annoying comments until you take back your cruel words about my boyfriend the transporter whom I love. This is just fair warning. xoxoxo
- Bug said...
That was quick, I didn't even get to plague you. thanks though, I hate mixing business with pleasure. ha
More new rules...
I will have to communicate through email exclusively over the next few days. Lest I blurt out something like - "Blizzlemikkifriggelzed!!!" or "Whattheshigglefrunkingerbagoop!?"
The Knicks are not allowed to lose anymore games this season. They have no idea how personally I take each loss and how it really hurts in my extremely sensative non-smoking state of mind. I'm fragile...
Cigarette companies have to name their products accordingly - "False Confidence Milds", "Bad Breath Mentholated", "Emphasema Slims" or "Cancer Full Flavored". The warnings should state - "We're trying to trick you by admitting that these are bad for you so in your own simple way you will weakly revolt against authority and continue to poison yourselves and those around you while we will take money from you until the day you die... You stupid asshole!"
- Bug said...
Your insightfulness astounds me. Your blog is brilliant. You are a non-smoker. I love the transporter.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Osama gets jiggy wid it!
He said insurgents were winning the conflict in Iraq and warned that security measures in the West and the United States could not prevent attacks there.
"The proof of that is the explosions you have seen in the capitals of European nations," he said "The delay in similar operations happening in America has not been because of failure to break through your security measures. The operations are under preparation and you will see them in your homes the minute they are through (with preparations), with God's permission."
"We do not mind offering you a long-term truce with fair conditions that we adhere to," he said. "We are a nation that God has forbidden to lie and cheat. So both sides can enjoy security and stability under this truce so we can build Iraq and Afghanistan, which have been destroyed in this war."
Huh? What if God doesn't give permission? Won't matter... No one is as honest as they say they are. Bush never needs permission. Now Pakistan is pissed at us for last week. Iran say's "no way" are they giving up their nuclear program. What's the latest with the Funky Fresh Kim Jong-il? How's he getting down lately? I think Bin Laden is chillin on a Polyneasian island somewhere... Maybe we could look into that.
You know... Not to sound like a doomsayer but everybody hates us and seems to want to exact some kind of revenge. China, Russia... The entire Mid-East. Not only that but everyone hates eachother! France is treatening to nuke Iran if they don't chill. Russians want to help Iran... Smells Like Team Spirit! It seems like this time - WW III - will be divided into perhaps four different factions. The Far East, The Mid East, The Confused and the Sadly MisLead...
Where will it be safe? Who knows. If you're waiting for answers from a God, their all busy with big plans for the upcoming year... Want a hint? Build yourself an ark.
With the strength of Superman...
I like it!
Day 3 and there are still no bodies...
- said...
Me too. Maybe looking forward to Scarecrow and Norman receding from the landscape a bit, but hey, why split hairs? Happy Day.
- Bug said...
Yay for AE (ha)! Yay for Catnip! Just remeber AE... smoking is for suckers! Just ask Miss Petutty (sp?), she knows.
A Chocolate New Orleans?
Someone's going crazy outside of my apartment... I gotta look and see if it's Dick Cheney.
Friday, January 20, 2006
- Bug said...
May the force be with you. And don't forget to be nice to catnip, mister!
- Altered Egoist said...
- Bug said...
No, silly, Purrrrrrrrr...
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Spreading the blame...
I just have to remind myself that I'm not "giving" anything up... I'm just choosing not to slowly poison myself and the rest of my immediate world.
Bet I'll be posting more!
If guns kill...
- Bug said...
Yes! And even more so when you move to Boulder! Horray for blaming! Hooray for bad English skills!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
The Daily...
- Bug said...
Not scary, silly, freakish. Right now I am eating sage-infused white cheddar. Doesn't that sound good?
Sunday, January 15, 2006
HillBug The HERO!
- Altered Egoist said...
See bug it works!
- Bug said...
Truly, I am amazing. Sometimes, I just sit and think about that. Glad I could help, I hope you remember me when you're rich and famous and not at all freakish. Oh, who are we kidding? You'll always be freakish.
- Bug said...
2 questions: 1) what's up with the pop-up, did I mess up my baby G4, or did you mess with my expert work? and 2) what the hell does daily mean if not EVERY DAY?
Friday, January 13, 2006
What's The Difference?
If we love or we hate
Why not just sit home
And masturbate
What’s the difference
If we stay or we go
Will we ever learn anything
We already didn’t know
What’s the difference
Between happiness and pain
If you’ve ever known either
You know they’re one the same
What’s the difference
Between wealthy and broke
Always find a drink
Always got some smoke
What’s the difference
Between wrong and right
Is it just peace of mind
Is it sleeping at night
What’s the difference
If we just disappeared
Would the flowers miss us
Or would they rejoice and cheer
What’s the difference
If we destroy everything
Would the rocks even notice
Would the stars feel a thing
New Rule...
p.s. If I need a number I tend to look it up in Google anyway!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
We Can Expect Winter Sometime In April!
- Bug said...
My fridge is freezing things... and considering what's in my fridge, this could be construed as "hell freezing over." What do you make of this phenomenon, AE?
- Altered Egoist said...
I wouldn't store Demons in your fridge if I were you...
- Bug said...
Shrimp-orks, actually, exiled from the land of the swimming. They almost took over before MF threw them back into Mt. Trashcan.
Monday, January 09, 2006
New Movie Rules...
2 - THE MacGuyver SYNDROM - There will be no more average people suddenly turning into MacGuyver, Bruce Lee or Sherlock Holmes so the film can have a nice Hollywood ending. No more - "Oh... Well yea, like she already knew Voodoo".
MANY more rules to come...
New Sports Rules...
2 - GO ON A DIET!!! There is no way that ANYONE making 20 gazillion dollars a minute as a professional athlete should be out of shape. Especially if your claiming to be one of the greatest of all time and play 3rd base for the New York Yankees. Ever heard of a situp? The only thing you're supposed to do is be great at sports. Youre a role model! Look and act like one.
3 - (Basketball) Free Throw High Fives... After missing a FREE throw high fiving will no longer be tollerated. Rather the player who misses should be chastised by his team for missing! Each player should walk up and say - "Dick!" "Punk!" and "If we lose this game it's because of you!"
More rules to come...
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Pathetic Little Men...
Monday, January 02, 2006
It begins...
- Bug said...
Oh, I can feel the excitement in the air! Can't wait... btw, I think you should change your "my links and my people heading to "my links and my dinks," or something along those lines. It rhymes after all, and isn't rhyming the ultimate goal in life?
You know it's bad when AE won't take money for a photoshoot with a scantily clad goth girl or two. (Un)Holy crap! Is this a case of be careful what you wish for? Can't wait for the details myself. Or can I?
Yeah I know... You guys are saying to yourselves - The King of Pain? The Prince of Darkness? What could possibly turn this guy inside out? Potty talk! All kinds of REALLY GROSS depraved toilet discussion that is apparently part of their job, and a daily occurance. Potty talk you say? That dosen't sound all that bad... Let's just say that a full "Toilet" refers to a client that wishes to be used as a toilet. It gets worse...
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